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Wednesday 13 July 2011


Yesterday it was so hot, I stopped looking at the weather app on my phone, because I just didn't want to know. I am not a hot weather person. In fact, I am a person who responds so poorly to hot weather that people frequently stop me on the street during July and August, just to ask me if I'm OK.

Calculator: How Much Water Do You Need?
I usually am OK, but boy, am I thirsty. It's hard to know exactly how much water to drink when it gets that hot out.

How Much Water Should You Drink During Exercise?
Throw in some exercise -- you go ahead, I'll wait here and sip this drink -- and it gets even trickier to stay hydrated.
See More About:  sports nutrition  hydration  tips

Can You Drink Too Much Water?
During my third liter-sized mug of water yesterday, it did occur to me to wonder if it's possible to drink too much water.

How Much Water Should Kids Drink?
Kids are generally braver about the heat than adults are. They just sort of wipe the sweat off their brows and continue being pirates or whatever. Which is another good reason to make sure they get enough water. (Nothing worse than a dehydrated pirate.)

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