Now for the first time in a blog,we made available to you essential tips for safeguarding your family's health and well being.
we start with safety begins at home

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Wednesday 13 July 2011


Yesterday it was so hot, I stopped looking at the weather app on my phone, because I just didn't want to know. I am not a hot weather person. In fact, I am a person who responds so poorly to hot weather that people frequently stop me on the street during July and August, just to ask me if I'm OK.

Calculator: How Much Water Do You Need?
I usually am OK, but boy, am I thirsty. It's hard to know exactly how much water to drink when it gets that hot out.

How Much Water Should You Drink During Exercise?
Throw in some exercise -- you go ahead, I'll wait here and sip this drink -- and it gets even trickier to stay hydrated.
See More About:  sports nutrition  hydration  tips

Can You Drink Too Much Water?
During my third liter-sized mug of water yesterday, it did occur to me to wonder if it's possible to drink too much water.

How Much Water Should Kids Drink?
Kids are generally braver about the heat than adults are. They just sort of wipe the sweat off their brows and continue being pirates or whatever. Which is another good reason to make sure they get enough water. (Nothing worse than a dehydrated pirate.)

Thursday 7 July 2011

Medication And Supplements

Weight Training – When to Supplement Weight Training – When to Supplement When you’re attempting to lose weight, weight training should absolutely be...
Fat to Fit – With Weight Loss Drugs Fat to Fit – With Weight Loss Drugs Go from FAT to FIT Technology and research has achieved ground breaking results in...
Ginseng – The Weight Loss Supplement Ginseng – The Weight Loss Supplement Do you always wish you had a slim and fit body? It is very much possible! There...
Health Hazards Due to Rapid Fat Loss Dreams Health Hazards Due to Rapid Fat Loss Dreams Lose fat – or Lose Health In the constant desire to achieve a lean body, many individuals...
Know Your Supplements Before Taking Them! Know Your Supplements Before Taking Them! Weight loss goals Everyone wants to achieve a slimmer self! Hence, weight loss is...
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Quick Weight Loss Programs

The Ups and Downs of Liquid Fasting The Ups and Downs of Liquid Fasting At some point while dieting, you may just grow tired and fed up of all the expensive...
Medifast: How Efficient Is It? Medifast: How Efficient Is It? The Medifast diet is a kind of rapid, but safe weight loss program that provides...
What is the Lemonade Diet? What is the Lemonade Diet? The lemonade diet is the other term for the master cleanse diet whose goal is to...
3 Ingredients Of The Best Weight Loss Program 3 Ingredients Of The Best Weight Loss Program While there are numerous dieting plans available in the market, you simply cannot...
The Truth About Weight Loss Programs The Truth About Weight Loss Programs While there are several weight loss programs which are floating across the world...
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Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips To Boost Your Metabolic Rate Weight Loss Tips To Boost Your Metabolic Rate In order to have a very high amount of success with your weight loss plan, you’ll want to be sure that you’re doing absolutely everything you can to maximize your metabolic rate.  Your metabolic rate is essentially the key determiner of how many calories your body burns over the course of the day. Since overall weight loss will come down... [Read more of this review]
Five Strategies To Beat A Weight Loss Plateau Five Strategies To Beat A Weight Loss Plateau One thing that occurs in almost every weight loss program that you’ll fallow is the dreaded weight loss plateau.  Even the best of programs can fall prey to this and unfortunately throw you off course.  You’re making great progress as you go about your workout programs and are really looking forward to seeing the end results and then everything... [Read more of this review]
Fast Ways To Stay Motivated To Weight Loss Plan Fast Ways To Stay Motivated To Weight Loss Plan If there’s one thing that most people on a weight loss diet plan struggle with, staying motivated is it.  Chances are when you first start out your motivation is going to be at an all time high.  You have a brand new plan you’ve created and are really looking forward to all the positive things to come. But yet as time goes on, slowly you... [Read more of this review]
Weight Loss Tips To Satisfy Your Cravings Weight Loss Tips To Satisfy Your Cravings Without a doubt, anyone who is following a strict weight loss diet is going to have a craving every once in a while.  Any time you go cutting foods out of your diet plan it is only natural that you’re going to long for the foods you once enjoyed. Hopefully you’ve been taking the time to come up with some tasty healthier recipes however... [Read more of this review]
Quick Weight Loss Tips To Help You Get More Protein In Your Day Quick Weight Loss Tips To Help You Get More Protein In Your Day If you’re someone who’s currently on a fat loss diet, there’s no question that one of the most vital things you must be doing is meeting your protein requirements.  Not only is protein the most filling nutrient that you can eat but it’s also going to instantly boost your metabolism just by eating it. In addition to that, since... [Read more of this review]
Simple Weight Loss Tips To Boost Your Calorie Burn Simple Weight Loss Tips To Boost Your Calorie Burn As you go about your workout program, it’s important that you’re constantly looking for more ways to boost the number of calories you burn and increase that intensity up higher. This is not only going to help improve the rate of fat loss you see but it’s also going to ensure that you get in the best shape of your life! It only makes... [Read more of this review]
Weight Loss Tips To Help You Get More Fiber In Your Day Weight Loss Tips To Help You Get More Fiber In Your Day Putting together a sound weight loss diet plan is one of the most important things that you should be doing if you want to see top results. Diet accounts for a very large portion of whether you realize success or not, so don’t attempt to exercise off a bad diet. It’s far too easy to over-consume hundreds of calories with a poor food choice... [Read more of this review]
Top Tips For Measuring Your Weight Loss Progress Top Tips For Measuring Your Weight Loss Progress As you go about your weight loss program, the one thing that everyone always wants to know is how they’re progressing along.  Obviously the whole point of you putting so much effort into your workout routine and diet plan is so that you can reach that ideal weight you have set for yourself. Or, in some cases perhaps you want to add more muscle... [Read more of this review]
5 Common Weight Loss Myths 5 Common Weight Loss Myths Just like counterfeit products, at some point in our battle against obesity, we also encounter several weight loss blunders–misleading statements that may have the potential to ruin your efforts to shed pounds and do the exact opposite that you have been dreading of. To bring light into this matter, here are the top 5 weight loss myths you should... [Read more of this review]
For Weight Loss and Healthy Living For Weight Loss and Healthy Living Many adults gain a lot of weight with every decade. But extra kilograms of body fat are probably not in your best interest. Added body fat increases the risk for many health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, breathing problems, and many other illnesses. If you are wise enough, you know you... [Read more of this review]
One-Minute Weight Loss Tips One-Minute Weight Loss Tips For many of us, losing weight is such a big dilemma. Many diets just don’t work for the long haul. To add to that, our busy lifestyle rarely permit us to go to the gym and workout. Somehow, it can also be downright dangerous to pop weight loss supplements. So, how do we lose those flabs wisely and increase your chances of keeping it off? If you think... [Read more of this review]
The Road to Safe Weight Loss The Road to Safe Weight Loss Despite the numerous ads on the internet, television, and all types of media, weight loss is only effective when done correctly. That means losing no more than 2 pounds per week—a weight loss that is attributed to the loss of fat and not lean tissue. Such drastic drop in the body mass is an unsafe practice that could be detrimental to your own health. Successful... [Read more of this review]
Safe Weight Loss Tips For You Safe Weight Loss Tips For You Weight loss is a lifetime management issue. And if you try to change everything at once, it would be very unrealistic and unsafe. Experts agree that the best and safest way to permanently lose weight is to follow a healthy diet plan and getting sufficient exercise, although this could be a real struggle for some. Assess Yourself Do you need to lose... [Read more of this review]
Weight Loss Tips to Get Your Dream Body Weight Loss Tips to Get Your Dream Body Actors and models all around the world have such a huge fan following that cuts across all boundaries. They are eye candy not just because they look good but also they have such a beautiful and well toned body that makes us lust for them. But inside every person there is an everlasting desire to look good and create an aura through positive body language... [Read more of this review]
Weight Loss Tips for Healthy Life Weight Loss Tips for Healthy Life Funky hair styles and modern dresses with a cell phone in hand is the new look of every adult living anywhere around the world. But most of the people can only dream to look attractive and fit into dresses and attires that their hearts yearn for. This is because they have an oversized body with a pot belly and enlarged hips, fats around the arms and... [Read more of this review]
Weight Loss Tips For A Fit Body And Mind Weight Loss Tips For A Fit Body And Mind Gaining weight above an optimal value has been a global issue for some time now. Body Mass Index (BMI), introduced by WHO is an indicator for weight related problems such as underweight, overweight or obesity. Generally, individuals having BMI above 25-29 kg/sq.m are considered to be overweight while those with a reading of 30 kg/ sq.m are termed obese.... [Read more of this review]
Top 3 Weight Loss Tips To Lose The Extra Pounds Top 3 Weight Loss Tips To Lose The Extra Pounds Our ancestors had never heard of ‘lifestyle diseases’. Along with the years the food we eat has also started becoming more and more complex. Earlier people used to have their farms and grew the vegetables and fruits themselves. These days, we hear of bizarre incidents of adding colour and chemicals into fruits and veggies to make them look more... [Read more of this review]
Weight Loss Tips For Fitting Into Your Favourite Dress Weight Loss Tips For Fitting Into Your Favourite Dress Do you remember that little black dress, which is stacked somewhere in your cupboard? Yes, the one that you take out at least once before every big party you have to attend. You look at it and keep it back. You dream about wearing that and being the centre of attention of a gathering. Then what is it that holds you back from getting into shape? Do not... [Read more of this review]

Thursday 23 June 2011

Top Ten Tips List
Is your home safe for your family? Follow these 10 tips from the Home Safety Council to protect the people you love!
Prevent Falls
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Install grab bars in the tub and shower. Use non-slip mats.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Have bright lights over stairs and steps and on landings. Keep stairs clear of clutter.
Prevent Poisonings
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Keep cleaners, medications and beauty products in a place where children can’t reach them. Use child safety locks.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • For Poison Help call 1-800-222-1222. Call if you need help or want information about poisons. Call 9-1-1 if someone needs to go to the hospital right away.
Prevent Fires & Burns
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Have working smoke alarms and hold fire drills. If you build a new home, install fire sprinklers.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Stay by the stove when cooking, especially when you are frying food.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Keep your hot water at 120˚F degrees to prevent burns. Use back burners and turn pot handles toward the back of your stove. Use a travel mug when you drink something hot.
Prevent Choking & Suffocation
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Things that can fit through a toilet paper tube can cause a young child to choke. Keep coins, latex balloons and hard round foods, such as peanuts and hard candy where children cannot see or touch them.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Place babies to sleep on their backs, alone in their crib. Don’t put pillows, blankets, comforters or toys in cribs. These things can sometimes keep a baby from breathing.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • When your children are in or near water, watch them very carefully. Stay close enough to reach out and touch them. This includes bathtubs, toilets, pools and spas – even buckets of water.
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