Now for the first time in a blog,we made available to you essential tips for safeguarding your family's health and well being.
we start with safety begins at home

Thursday 23 June 2011

Top Ten Tips List
Is your home safe for your family? Follow these 10 tips from the Home Safety Council to protect the people you love!
Prevent Falls
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Install grab bars in the tub and shower. Use non-slip mats.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Have bright lights over stairs and steps and on landings. Keep stairs clear of clutter.
Prevent Poisonings
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Keep cleaners, medications and beauty products in a place where children can’t reach them. Use child safety locks.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • For Poison Help call 1-800-222-1222. Call if you need help or want information about poisons. Call 9-1-1 if someone needs to go to the hospital right away.
Prevent Fires & Burns
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Have working smoke alarms and hold fire drills. If you build a new home, install fire sprinklers.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Stay by the stove when cooking, especially when you are frying food.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Keep your hot water at 120˚F degrees to prevent burns. Use back burners and turn pot handles toward the back of your stove. Use a travel mug when you drink something hot.
Prevent Choking & Suffocation
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Things that can fit through a toilet paper tube can cause a young child to choke. Keep coins, latex balloons and hard round foods, such as peanuts and hard candy where children cannot see or touch them.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • Place babies to sleep on their backs, alone in their crib. Don’t put pillows, blankets, comforters or toys in cribs. These things can sometimes keep a baby from breathing.
Home Safety - Garage Safety Tips
  • When your children are in or near water, watch them very carefully. Stay close enough to reach out and touch them. This includes bathtubs, toilets, pools and spas – even buckets of water.
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In the time it will take you to read this article, 435 people in our country will suffer injuries in their homes or as a result of other accident suffered while safe at home.And the figus are mounting to the booby traps that have always existed in our homes-{torn carpet,dark stair case,the toy left scattered on the floor}.
        As we install more and more appliances,overloading wiring system touches off increasing thousands of fires.Do-it your selfism,insurance men report result of 600,000 injuries in a year.In one recent year,, hospital emergency room had to treat more than 70,000 persons injured by their power mowers.
     The main causes of this are :
1) Most of the home accident need never happen at all.they are the result either of plain carelessness or of failure to eliminate hazards that could easily have been foreseen.
2) most victims suffers needless pain and disability and some infant die because no one was there at the scene .
            Many injuries that requires emergency rooms treatment involves structural component of houses,glass doors stairs etc.